zometool キット3と雪の結晶キットがDr.Toyに選定されました!

「ゾムツール キット3」と新製品、「ゾムツール 雪の結晶キット」が






About Dr. Toy

Dr. Auerbach is the only PhD evaluating toys and children’s products with extensive training, background and over 40 years of experience evaluating, writing and speaking about toys and children’s products. Dr. Auerbach is trained in education, child psychology, child development, and special education. She is a parent educator, consultant, parent and grandparent.

“As a childhood specialist for over 40 years, I have seen the continuous, essential need for more year-round diverse resources for consumers to identify and choose the most appropriate, safe and engaging learning and developmental products for all children.”

“Children learn best through play,” says Dr. Auerbach, “and these smart new toys and products encourage children to maximize their potentials.”

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